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Barbell Logic

May 31, 2022

How do you end your cooking rut? What do you do when your go-to foods bore you? Niki Sims & Nikki Burman have tips & tricks to re-energize your cooking & meal preparation, so you don't turn to unhealthy, convenience foods that take you away from your goals.

End Your Cooking Rut

It’s easy to grow sick of the same...

May 24, 2022

Are there too many coaches!? Learn how to stand out, find clients & provide value as a coach in a seemingly flooded coaching market.

The Flooded Fitness Market

Are there too many coaches!? Learn how to stand out, find clients & provide value as a coach in a seemingly flooded coaching market. With social media & the...

May 17, 2022

Online coaching is better than in-person coaching. It provides more value to the coach and client, enabling greater flexibility, personalization, and effectiveness.

Online Coaching is Better

Since Barbell Logic began providing online coaching, we have offered it almost apologetically, only as a backup if you...

May 10, 2022

Burnout can occur in any pursuit or career path, but can be particularly noxious for careers coming from passion. Coaching fits that bill certainly, as no one comes to coaching to make billions. So, acknowledging that burnout exists and can happen, how do we avoid it (or stop it if we find ourselves burnt out).

What is...

May 3, 2022

How do you set yourself apart as a coach? One way is knowledge. Understanding the fundamentals that underlie anatomy, physiology, programming, technique, and platform coaching will differentiate you from the typical personal trainer. Set yourself apart with knowledge. 

It's easy to get a personal training...