Jul 19, 2024
Are you struggling to identify your core values? Use this bottom-up hack to identify your core values.
Matt has heard that, despite his discuss on developing and defining your core values, and its importance, many are still struggling on how to actually get this done.
Matt was working with leadership at Barbell Logic years back on a business trip, and he and the team identified that they needed to work to identify 5-year strategic priorities.
They had extremely limited time, but using some simple techniques, they were able to establish Barbell Logic's tenets quickly, using a bottom-up approach and the pomodoro technique.
The team had hundreds of sticky notes and a blank wall in the AirBnB they were staying in. Separately, they each wrote down as many important tasks as they could think of.
Once done, they stood back, and began to group them together. Groups became larger groups, as patterns emerged.
What emerged from this process was the 4 tenets that Barbell Logic still has to this day: serve, grow, teach, steward.
Another tool you can use to really identify which tasks you should stop and which you need to prioritize and protect, write down your tasks in the four quadrants of the Eisenhower matrix.
These tips and tricks can help you if you are struggling to identify your core values.
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